Re: virus: LOL..lady of faith?? desperate huh?

From: Mermaid . (
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 21:20:22 MST

[Hermit]Desperate? Yes. I generally hate to see the owner of a good mind not
use it. When I know the person it makes it worse.

[Mermaid]I am sorry. I am afraid you dont know me at
called me a lady of faith..didnt ya?...:)

[Hermit]re "Vedic Mathematics". I was asked to look at the maths syllabus at
MUM for a friend (Tbilisi State University Math ABD PhD) who had been
invited here to teach maths, and as "Vedic Maths" forms the basis for the
school maths courses at the Maharishi school I waded through the
introduction to a completely spurious "Vedic History," got to the "key
interpolation" bit and did not complete it - as I could answer the questions
without doing so - it is self-evidently unadulterated horseshit.

[Mermaid] have NOT read the book. You read something that
the Maharishi School printed, right? LOL....Are you not a fraud,

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