RE: virus: RE: Blunderov reverses himself ping David Hill

From: Blunderov (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 12:36:14 MST

David Hill wrote

"Do you find any truth in the assertion that manners are a function of
personal risk?"

Thank you, David,for the welcome.

In some circumstances manners would certainly have an intrinsic survival
value, but I prefer the assertion that "manners are a function of culture"


adj; -est [L politus,fr.pp. polire (1501

1a Of,relating to, or having the characteristics of advanced culture
b:marked by fine cultural interests and pusuits esp in arts or belles

2a: Showing or characterised by correct social usage b: marked by an
appearance of consideration,tact,deference or courtesy c: marked by a lack
of roughness or crudities.

syn see civil"

Britannica 2002



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