virus: Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 22:02:51 -0700

From: ben (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 16:41:31 MST

[David Hill 1] But I can conceive of the idea of concepts of which I can't

[Hermit 1] From the amount of noise you make, I would suggest that you have
no idea of how little you know - and one of the things you don't know is
that you cannot "conceive" that which you "cannot conceive". It is a
paradox. And in the real world, there is no such thing as a paradox. Only a
lack of comprehension or expression.

[ben 1] I think I understand what David is trying to say here - he can conceive the following idea: "concepts he cannot conceive". The idea of the set of unconceivable concepts is, in itself, conceivable.


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