Re: virus: The world keeps on spinning...

From: Zloduska (
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 18:48:53 MST

>all in all, there are 6 people, me included living to gether in a micro
>community. we are all anarchists, we all contribute something to
>the whole, and we all sustain ourselves without feeding big
>business much money.

Oh, we have those where I live. They are quite common in a large college
campus area. They are called "co-ops". Sometimes they are filled with
feminist lesbians, sometimes foreigners, but usually just your garden
variety vegan hippie freaks.

Okay, serious question now: do you define 'anarchist' simply as
"anti-government" or pro- something else? If you chose the former, then
anarchy is everywhere. I believe everyone should be able to choose their
own labels and self-identity, but I ask merely for a clarificaiton.


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