Re:virus: howdy

From: athe nonrex (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 14:31:46 MDT

>Of course, good and evil is a man-made concept -- possibly different for each \"thought system\" -- but even so, it does exist; this concept defines what should be done and what should not. It provides some rules of conduct, and when someone diverges it causes disaproval and guilt.

if it is different for each thought system, then who is to say what
EXACTLY evil, or good, is? would you concider slaughtering a chicken
for ritual use something good? many people wouldn't, but it is very
regular in santeria, voodoo, etc... what about eating cats and dogs?
socially reprehensable to many, but common practice in oriental/eastern
culture. if good and evil truely exist, there has to be definite good
and definite evil, not variations of good and evil, because that makes
artificial "good" and "evil." morals do exist, but they are not neither
good nor evil, they only let "us" decide what "good and evil" are to

>I am about 40 percent Marxist,

really now? how does that work?
what's the other 60%?

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