Re:virus: Gender and Nature in Contemporary NeoPaganism

Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 11:21:49 MDT

On 24 Jul 2002 at 10:57, kharin wrote:

> The Biblical admonitions against homosexuality are indeed univocal on
> the issue, but it is for JCIZ religions an ethical or moral issue and
> matters not to the religions' metaphysical stance.
> I would still see that issue as being much more likely to undermine a christian stance than the other two you have selected (for example, your reading of Genesis where god bequeathes command of the animal kingdom to man, seems at least as restrictive as the interpretation of the incident with
the centurion I referred to previously); christian morality is a morality of self abnegation and denial; it can hardly begin asserting that sex serves any purpose other than a procreative one, as that would change the entire basis of its moral proposition into a permissive one. Little time to
post at present; with your permission, will seek to elucidate said points at a more opportune moment.
Lately, Christianity, in an attempt to jump on the environmentalist
bandwagon, has been attempting to push a 'stewardship' interpretation
of the Adamic bequeathment, but this interpretation is indeed recent,
and a much more exploitative one has been followed throughout the
overwhelming predominance of the history of the religion.
> ----
> This message was posted by kharin to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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