Re: virus: Tu Quoque

From: Hermit (
Date: Wed Aug 07 2002 - 05:13:41 MDT

[Joe Dees 1] Are you sure you're you're not a paid Iraqi agent? That one-sided drivel moght have some resonance with those already seated in the Allahfest Destiny Ummah choir.

[Hermit 2] Well if you can recognize it as "one-sided drivel " when it comes from Saddam, why don't you recognize the essential nature of the propaganda you have been advocating the last while?

[Joe Dees 3]Because I have spoken suported by posted facts,

[Hermit 4] That is one opinion Joe. Yours.

[Joe Dees 3] and freely acknowledged the warts as well as the burnish on the shine of my
position - something of which no logical, reasonable, rational, coherent and cogent agent could ever accuse you. It's called balance. And you most demonstrably, by your own hand, lack it.

[Hermit 4] This too is an opinion. Unfortunately it relies on asserting that harms balance. They don't. Even if an argument can be fabricated that they are "the victims of their own people." Harms are just harms. Even when the victims are the citizens and children of Iraq and the Palestine.


This message was posted by Hermit to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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