Re: Re:virus: On to Baghdad?: Yes - The Risks Are Overrated

Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 02:29:25 MDT

On 12 Aug 2002 at 1:09, Archibald Scatflinger wrote:

> >
> > And there are many more essays that are highly germane to our
> > discussions there.
> > >
> When I saturated the list with articles supporting a point (that the
> people controlling the U.S. Government are very much trying to start a
> war with the support of the U.S. Citizens with the purpose of
> implementing a one world government) I was written off as being a
> conspiracy theorist with no actual supporting arguments proving that
> this is not correct. I was told to make my point using only a few
> reference articles. I responded with what I thought was an interesting
> argument.
> ( See Re: virus: Notice to TransDimensional Elf)
> This posting was totally ignored by everyone on the list including the
> very Pro-U.S brainwashed suckers.
> Im curious why.
> Is it because my argument was invalid in some way? If so, how was it
> invalid?
> Was it because it doesn't fit very well with the Pro-America mindset?
> Fear?
> I don't disrespect anyone on this list but I refuse to take any
> argument, that blames anyone other then the U.S government for the
> recent attacks on the WTC, seriously until you prove to me that my
> points about "THE GRAND CHESSBOARD - American Primacy And It's
> Geostrategic Imperatives," Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997."
> are invalid for some reason.
That book, by a person who has not seen the halls of power since the
carter administration (and he dealt well with Islamic terror tactics, didn't
he?) has absolutely nothing to do with any crackpot wingnut dingbat
theories concerning a premeditated self-immolation of the international
business communty for economic reasons. Syncretism is a typical flaw
of conspiracy theorists; they, like the schizoid Nash in A BEAUTIFUL
MIND, see connections where none exist; you, apparently, could
discern the face of every animal that purportedly set foot on Noah's Ark
from a wisp of cirrus cloud.
> Smile
> Archibald

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