virus: I am Tired of This...

Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 18:52:27 MDT

        Nukes are not toys. Unstable and murderous despots
attempting to acquire them, and coming frigging close, is no joke. And
petty piffling political posturing in the face of such a dire threat is
exceeedingly unwise. We're not fucking playing here; it is extremely
serious, and the ramifications will decisively and personally affect all of
us. We have to do what we have to do to avoid such massively
devastating and catastrophic consequences, and equivocating and
hair-splitting exercises in trendy but suicidal futility be damned. The
Bush administration was handed much by the Clintin administration
concerning the al Quaeda threat; a Clinton administration failed to act
because they feared that a (perceived) October surprise attack against
Bin Laden woud be interpreted as their attempting to influence the
course of the 2000 election in Al Gore's favor by engaging in pre-
election military action; the Bush administration failed to act becaus
they did not want to be seen as implementing an already formulated
Clinton plan. The result? 3000 dead, and a smoking hole in the heart
of New York City (check out the August 12 issue of time magazine).
The threat with which we are presently faced is FAR more serious. We
simply cannot allow politics to permit a nuclear version of 9/11. That
alternative is globally unacceptable - and personally disastrous.

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