Re: virus: The temptation of hegemony

Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 15:01:42 MDT

On 11 Sep 2002 at 13:25, Mermaid . wrote:

> [From Joe Dees' earlier post]But as Samuel Huntington pointed out,
> Muslims were on one or both sides of 22 out of 24 extant world
> conflicts. They have problems with practically every other
> civilization, including the Chinese, the Russians, Buddhists, Jews,
> Hindus and Christians.
> [Mermaid]For the list:
> is a study of "The Clash of Civilizations"...aka Samuel's Huntington's
> revived zombie. The research paper examines his claims.
> Islam and the West - Testing the "Clash of Civilisations" Thesis by
> Pippa Norris(JFK school of Govt, Harvard) and Ronald
> Inglehart(Institute of Social Research, Univ of Michigan). A must read
> for anyone who has never read the "Clash of Civilisations" but would
> still like to quote Samuel Huntingon to promote hate and
> intolerance.(Skim through it....even that helps...)
The paper does not augur favorably for Islam, since it claims that the
divide is not over democratic vs. antidemocratic (citing polls showing
that most citizens of authoritarian Muslim regimes desire democracy),
but between the barbaric dehumanization of women in Islamic
countries, perpetrated with the sanction of the local clerics and with
appeals to the Qu'ran, and the relative gender egalitarianism of the
West. In either case, the Qu'ran is cited as the authority, whether in
justifying antidemocratic theocracy wielding sharia law or in mandating
blatant gender bigotry. Not a resounding rejection of Huntington's
observations vis-a-vis the aggressive nature of Islamic societies and
their propensity to attack not only each other, but also all surrounding

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