Re: virus: The Rabid Return of MerdeMade....

From: Mermaid . (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 22:41:59 MDT

[Joe Dees]Shame on YOU! On this day, one year to the very day after the WTC
atrocities,you could not restrain yourself from criticizing actions the US
proposes to take not only in it's own self-defence, but also for global

[Mermaid]When did I critise the United States today? Back up your
accusations with proof. PROVE IT!!! You lie. AGAIN. The archives are there.
Check it.

[Joe Dees]You thus defecate upon the memories of those who died there, as
well as upon the memories of those who continue to fight and die to
preserve and protect the hallowed freedom of all peoples from those
who would destroy it in the name of Allah or a caliphate.

[Mermaid]I did no such thing. I only caught you lying. Apparently, it is
causing you to lie more.

[Joe Dees]I will NEVER FORGET what happened when we lowered our
guard in the face of a religiously fanatical and implacably zealous
membotic enemy, nor what might happen if such scum are given
WMD's by a self-styled Saladinic warlord. It cannot, it must not, it WILL
NOT be allowed to happen henceforth.

[Mermaid]Regaining your sanity first might help.

[Joe Dees]Yes, I do hate <snip>

[Mermaid]Yes..yea..we all know that you hate...and all that...more crap that
I dont want to hear. Can we please move on to how you are going to explain
all the lies you threw in my direction today?

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