RE: virus: The return of MerdeMade....

From: Blunderov (
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 01:58:59 MDT
Sent: 12 September 2002 09:11 AM
> [Blunderov]
> Are there any plans that you know of to remedy the wording of the (now
> anachronistic) constitution in order to allow for the "forfence" of
> the nation? The Dept of Forfence?
> I'm very much in favour of the creative use of language, me!
> Just curious.
Main Entry: for.fend
Pronunciation: for-'fend, fOr-
Function: transitive verb
Date: 14th century
1 a archaic : FORBID b : to ward off : PREVENT

A most serviceable definition. Interesting is the fact that it does not
include the word "defense" in its description. "Defense", in the context
OTD, is "the capability of <em>resisting</em> attack", not let, it be
noted, a capability for <em>preventing</em> an attack.

The thought strikes me that such action may in fact be unconstitutional!
Warm regards

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