Re:virus: re: Goodnight

From: Hermit (
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 16:35:27 MDT

[quote from: Casey on 2002-09-12 at 14:17:18]
I have an idea...

Why doesn't Mermaid STFU telling Joe Dees that he needs a larger dose of
Prozac? What else are you going to prescribe?

Mermaid, are you that much of an expert on psychoses that you can accurately
claim to know what someone else needs simplying by reading their post?
(rhetorical question, so STFU)

And, Hermit, I have an idea. STFU! Your \"drunk\" comment regarding Joe Dees
yesterday was unwarranted. Don't stoop to that level. I know you're MUCH
better than that.

Also, Joe Dees please chill out a little.

That doesn't mean that Joe should refrain from posting -- be it an original
Dees contribution, or a response to someone elses post. He, like everyone
else in this forum, should be allowed to openly post to the list. If you
don't like it, then add a filter with his email address.

Regarding the IRC debate; it's total BS. The Virus list has survived many
years as a forum for such debates. To propose that it be taken to IRC is
not going to resolve anything. The debate will continue on the list no
matter who wins, or loses. The opinions among the active list subscribers
seems to be quite prophetic regarding that other words, the
debate has gone on so long that an IRC debate would not resolve a thing.

Also, regarding the debate on IRC; debates should be set on equal ground
with the time and energy needed to prepare for the debate. I find Hermit's
expertise using IRC to be an advantage over Joe Dees.
I've not heard of Joe Dees' familiarity with IRC. I assume it is neglible.
If that's the case, then the debate should be in a forum where both debaters
are on equal grounds--the Virus mail list.

Also, ElvinSage, STFU with your STFUs! (tongue planted firmly in cheek)

Kind regards to all,

Casey, I *nearly always* respond appropriately to people, and when one strategy doesn't appear effective, I try another. When looking for appropriate strategies I *always* take an approach based on their behavior and words towards me and others, and the norms of the environment. In Joe's case, an insane, irrational, insult tossing, jingoist memebot, with no effective difference in the damage he does the list and the Aaaaron he once derided. In the list's case, a group who you have asserted, has supposedly made it explicit that they don't care what level of harm is done to other people on the list, and who apparently enjoy seeing it flooded with hurtfulness, irrelevancy and insult to the extent that nobody civilized would touch it with a barge pole with a condom on the end.

You especially should be enjoying this moment. You are receiving the logical fruits of what you in particular have visibly insisted upon. Please don't cry when somebody pours bleach into a cesspit into which you have contributed your turds. It is beneath you (how did that feel? :-) ) In this case, the bleach is the balanced invective, which demonstrates why moderation is required - and why if people will not self-moderate, why they need to be moderated if the environment is to remain attractive.

Also, Casey, you should have read Blunderov's post on debates before making a fool of yourself*. It said almost everything that needed to be said**. Virus is not a "forum for debates" as it is unmoderated - and debate in such an environment depends upon the participants behaving responsibly. When one putative debater starts pissing on the ceiling, prior to asserting that it is raining***, his opponent has few options other than to refrain from getting involved. When bystanders subsequently see the pissers assertion that he has won and is representative of them - without opposing it, then they too are engaging in pissing action. They shouldn't be surprised if they get wet. But then again, perhaps you are so stupid that you don't know what a debate is. Hint - read Robert's Rules.

Now please, shut the fuck up - lest you make it obvious that you are part of the problem, that you really, truly don't seek a commons, and don't give a shit about the individuals involved, but simply seek a septic tank of your own.


*But then, it happens so often.

**Except that he omitted to mention that Joe is chicken. Not just of debating me in a ring where neither floods nor insults avail but perhaps of demonstrating exactly how badly his dementia affects his ability to argue a position.

***Thank-you again Dr Sebby for your wonderfully graphic description of this behavior.

PS Casey, your hair is wet and you smell funny.

This message was posted by Hermit to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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