virus: Re:Notice and Proposal of Importance to all Virians

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Sun Aug 03 2003 - 15:53:35 MDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Davis: "virus: The New Censorship and the Middle Mind"

         By "liberal", if hermit means anti-US, anti-Israel and anti-Bush, as voluminous past posts from his cabal would strongly
    suggest, then the CoV has ALREADY been morphed by he and his into just another political hate site, and all that remains is for the
    last vestiges of legitimate dissension to be excised from it.
         A major issue that needs to be perused by the CoV is the cancerous contemporary expansion of violent and virulent mutations of
    religious memesets. Although there are (at least) as many violent mutations as there are religions, the most presently vicious and
    bloodthirsty by far is the militant and terrorist Wahhabist Al-Quaedan mutation of Islam. Although hermit and his minions have not
    been remiss in attacking Zionists and fundy Christians, they have not only been reluctant to consider the depredations of Al Quaedan
    Muslims and the fallacies inherent in their fantasy ideology, but have actually actively opposed such studies, and attacked those
    (including me) who have suggested same.
         I, too, wish the CoV to prosper, but not at the cost of it's "Virion soul", which would be the inescapable result if it adopted
    an exclusionary and subjective ideological mindset and memetically filtered out all facts, evidence and logic that run contrary to
    such preconceptions. It would then not be a site that studied memetics or was attempting to engineer a both rational and infectious
    perspective, but rather would have pledged itself in thrall to an irrational and hate-motivated pre-existing agenda, and just become
    another cog in the wheel of yet another intolerant memeplex. If he TRULY wants to make members and money and has no compunction
    concerning how this is accomplished, he could turn this site into a fundy Christian apologia site, without much more loss of
    credibility or integrity.

    This message was posted by Joe Dees to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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