Re: virus: Come play with my camera - oh baby

From: David Lucifer (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 17:40:18 MDT

  • Next message: metahuman: "Re:virus: Come play with my camera - oh baby"

    [quote from: on 2003-08-07 at 16:58:49]
    While I do think the story is humerous - you havn't answered my question.

    How's the camera look - and how well does the control work?

    It worked very well. At 640x480 it was too slow to finish drawing a frame before starting a new one, but at qvga and qqvga I was getting a few fps. I believe I saw you discussing a document entitled House of Worship with a man in a blue golf shirt. What's up with that? The presets didn't work very well afaict, but clicking in the pan/tilt area between the arrows worked well.

    This message was posted by David Lucifer to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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