virus: Whatever happened to the middle?

From: Church Of Virus (
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 12:21:25 MDT

  • Next message: "virus: Another Prophet"

    Whatever happened to the more reasoned middle ground here? I thought that after the last few weeks, things would calm down a little and people could get to workgin together again. Am I the only one with such expectations?

    I'm not sayin that I havn't chosen sides many a time. I'm not one to waffle on the fence. But I don't go about contributing to the "idolatarian" behaviour common on the left here, or the right wing prosthelitizing and spamming of Joe. Sure, I have contributed here and there, but I doubt you could find more than a couple that I initiated, and few more that I have added a post or two.

    What's the point or benefit to the CoV of either pole? They both drive the list into political waters. And though almost all of us agree on most things, this area is bound to cause trouble every single time. We'll agree on abortion, cloning, the value of education, the origin of life, god, and a million other things. But the very notion that Dick Chaney is a prophet (I'm not saying I agree or disargee) is causing an uproar. What a waste of brain power. He may as well have predicted that the sun will come up tomorrow. Here is my prediction: One day, men will fight with light that burns. When this happens, I want you all to remember that I am the sole predictor!

    You would think that we would have better things to be doing. Joe, if many are sick of political posts, and you know it, just back off on em'. I doubt that there is any benefit in continuing when you know that doing so will cause others to respond in such a harsh manner. If many of us cringe when America is used for a verbal punching bag, then perhaps people, the "Idolatarians"should be more specific and less broad in their insults of the people and their country. Many seem to have forgotten that it is rude to look up from the breast of the country from which you are succling, and then complain about the taste. If you are going to complain so loudly, let it at least be politely and accurately.

    Bill Roh
    Reason - Vision - Empathy
    Tools for a healthy mind

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