Re: virus: Brief Summary of the nights defacements

Date: Tue Aug 19 2003 - 10:01:51 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: Re:virus: Requiem :David's Law Against Flaming..."

    Still after me as well? And I thought I was so nice of late. Why don't you
    put me up for a vote? After all, you gave me credit for foiling your plans
    to create a political organization. Let me stand for that crime. Since David
    has laid down the law, and largly throughout my time here, a time exceeding
    Hermit's, I have not been spending my posts attacking Z, Jake or David. And
    I have invested hardly any time at all on you, other than what was necessary
    to keep you from riding the CoV like a sumo wrestler on a shetlan pony. I'm
    willing to bet cash that if we look through the list for insults, we will
    find you choosing myself as your target far more then the other way around.

    As for using the reputation system as you are, you know, as a matter of
    fact, that many people have not reentered their scores for people.
    Deliberately using the numbers as they are now, with the knowledge you have
    from David's post of yesterday - is cooking the books. I don't care about
    the results one way or the other. But open dishonesty like the type you are
    excercising here, speaks poorly for your case. Open dishonesty breeds open

    Bill Roh
    Reason - Vision - Empathy
    Tools for a Healthy Mind

    > While it would be possible (and arguably justifiable) to call for the
    "silencing" of inter alia Joe Dees, Bill Roh and metahuman at this stage,
    based on the "insults" ban and their attacks against Hermit, Zloduska, Jake
    Sapiens and David Lucifer, this would arguably be unfair, as they should
    have an opportunity to apply their entire 2.9% joint voting equity against
    the Disownment of Joe Dees occuring.

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