virus: on a less serious note...

From: athe nonrex (
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 09:26:18 MDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Davis: "virus: 'No health benefit' from prayer"

    (i think virus needs something slightly less serious to talk about...
    if only for a couple of moments...) beliefs are circumstancial...everyone's beliefs are
    circumstancial. the thing that seperates me from the average person
    with any type of beliefs (including non-beliefs) is the fact that i
    have thought extensively about what i believe and why i believe it,
    instead of blindly, and blandly, accepting what i was raised with.

    that said, i think it's fairly obvious that i'm not a christian...

    so does anyone find it weird that i refer to my "other half" as
    "Jezebel" (biblically, king Ahab's wife....historically, not nearly
    as bad as the bible makes her out to be...)? firstly to have a pet
    name for my love that's biblical, secondly to have a pet name that,
    biblically speaking, is somewhat offensive (though hardly historically

    aside from this particular instance of name/pet name calling, i was
    curious if i was alone in, directly or indirectly, biblically naming
    someone/something (or, maybe not strictly biblically, perhaps just
    obscure references of some kind...) curious what other people can/have
    come up with...

    kindly (and seeking a momentary diversion),

    #~every villain is the hero of his own story~#

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