virus: Re:Minimum wage

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Sat Oct 25 2003 - 19:20:41 MDT

  • Next message: Dr Sebby: "Re: virus: Re:Minimum wage"

    I'd like to reiterate on the reality of minimum wages. Minimium wages are set to the absolute minimum required to ensure that the ruling class remains undisturbed by the comfort of the masses. It curbs the onset of either revolution and forced-labor.

    If it is too low, the masses secede or revolt. These people are labeled guerillas. Such revolution is typically followed by tyranny and oppression to maintain the low wages while repelling the guerillas. Control-via fear has been proven, repeatedly, to produce low-efficiency governments in the long term. The common recourse of these low-productivity governments is to increase control and fear, or to expand territory.

    Alternatively, guerilla revolutions can succeed. The resulting governments are, typically, more oppressive, and thus less productive, than the original.

    There is a science to setting a minimum wage to a low-enough level such that outbursts of creativity are encourages, and simultaneously preventing uprising and resentment.

    I would hazard that nothing, in life, is absolute. In death, however, I am not certain.

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