RE: virus: Jewish Controlled Media & Leaders Misrepresent Malaysian PM

From: Dr Sebby (
Date: Fri Oct 31 2003 - 15:37:12 MST

  • Next message: Blunderov: "RE: virus: Re: Game gene?"

    ....yes indeed, you are correct. meme's affect us all to varying
    degrees...but in examining my statements and correlating 'feelings' i have
    to seriously pause and wonder who shat in the morning milk first? a brief
    history of my statement's foundations and then a few clarifying points as to
    the wording of said "anti-ism":

    1990:...i was 19yrs old and heading off on my first adventure. i came from
    the MOST un-biased origins one could possibly imagine...a combination of
    parents entirely free of such filling. mum was half aztec indian origin,
    father had a thing for latin chicks apparently and is himself very much the
    pinnacle of "judge every man by his actions, attitudes, and person
    independent of family history etc." sounds a bit preachy and cliche, but
    i've never seen any sign of a crack in this personality trait of his -
    direct or subconciously. my childhood was spent around zero 'minorities' of
    any sort and thus i had a very positive outlook on all those unlike
    myself...perhaps even encouraged by an impression that those unlike myself
    might be worldly and savvy beyond my capacity (i was quite an ignorant
    little cuss in the ways of the world at that point). so i was very much
    working from a blank slate and eager to have friends when i flew into tokyo.
      to make a long story short, after many encounters with israelites and
    arabs alike...i even recall thinking that israelis were quite 'cool' and
    savvy and i eagerly sought to make friends with most i encountered due to
    their apparent well-balanced attitudes and wisdom beyond their years...same
    with some arabs i came in contact with (though it was more infrequent to get
    to know them)...anyhow, time after time after time after time i was
    betrayed, fooled, taken advantage of, stolen from, ripped off and so forth.
    at some point i started expecting this sort of thing once i began to link
    their fierce nationalism and religious devotion and exclusionary attitudes
    to the individuals whom had betrayed me in numerous ways. once i found that
    their reason and even-handedness ended when "their peoples" histories came
    to issue, i found it very natural to safely assume my past experiences would
    be repeated. i investigated through conversation and debate and encountered
    the same. at some point, it just became mathematically unrealistic to
    expect or look for the extremely rare exceptions. so at this point if
    someone goes out of their way to identify themselves as one of some
    ideological group, i just stay away from them. whatever their reasons are,
    they dont mean much to me since i had never wronged them, or in any way
    represented something against them...i merely felt the brunt of their
    self-centeredness and group mentality. i like individuals and
    individualism...therefore i actively avoid such self-declaring group
    members. this is essentially anti-semitism. if you were to begin every
    post with "well, being an arab/jew...." i would likely place such
    assumptions upon you as well. as is, you havent exhibited any such traits
    now long enough to assume you are very much more an individual than part of
    any group. i'll cut this short in hopes that you read the whole thing now.

    "Courage...and shuffle the cards".

    ----Original Message Follows----
    From: "Erik Aronesty" <>
    Subject: RE: virus: Jewish Controlled Media & Leaders Misrepresent Malaysian
    Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:43:58 -0400

    Dear Dr. Sebby,

    Is it possible that it is merely the "memes" that have infected certain
    regions in the Middle East that cause you to view semetic people so

    And, if so, why bother using such innacurate labels which imply that
    complexion and genetic predisposition are somehow responsible for this

    Finally, guess whether I am semetic or not - by looking at the history of my

    Please determine for yourself as to whether I am a person who engages in
    rational discourse.

    (Insert picture of me waving my hands in the air and spinning around in

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