Re: virus: The influence of Robert Heinlein

From: David McFadzean (
Date: Sat Dec 20 2003 - 09:12:27 MST

  • Next message: Blunderov: "RE: virus: Outraged"

    Keith Henson wrote:
    > The quote I needed has to do with population growth being at the root
    > of wars, an almost true statement. But in the process I found this
    > section where the amputee veteran Col. Dubois is teaching a high
    > school class in "History and Moral Philosophy."

    That scene was included pretty much verbatim in the movie.

    I agree that authors can be a huge influence on one's thinking,
    it is certainly true in my case. One of the most effective ways to
    influence someone else's behavior is to convince them to read a
    particular book.

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