Re: virus: Microsoft discovers that software should be a thing of beauty

From: Pat (
Date: Sat Apr 10 2004 - 23:08:16 MDT

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    At 10:02 p.m. 10/04/04 -0600, you wrote:

    >Emerging Technology
    >Beauty and the Beastly PC
    >Microsoft discovers that software should be—surprise!—a thing of beauty.
    >By Steven Johnson
    >DISCOVER Vol. 25 No. 05 | May 2004 | Technology
    >I’m sitting in a darkened conference room in Microsoft’s vast campus in
    >Redmond, Washington, talking to a team of software developers as they
    >flash images from their latest operating system onto a wall-size screen.
    >We’re not talking about the usual Microsoft subjects—the company’s
    >prodigious market share, the value of its stock, or the number of lines of
    >code in the latest version of Office.
    >We’re talking about beauty.
    >The Microsoft team is showing off some new tools for managing digital
    >photos stored in ordinary home computers. Instead of spreading the photos
    >across the screen as if they were on a light table, the software organizes
    >them like shirts on a dry cleaner’s motorized rack. As the photos
    >approach, they grow larger and then shrink back down as they revert to the
    >bottom of the stack (where they are still partially visible). It’s a
    >delightful effect, the kind of visual trick you want to see again and
    >again. And it’s a surprising departure for Microsoft.
    >For decades Bill Gates and company have made products that emphasize
    >function over form, leaving the aesthetics to rival Apple Computer. Such
    >niceties never seemed worth the trouble. Apple’s elegant Macintosh
    >operating system may have elevated software design to an art form, but it
    >attracted only a tiny fraction of the audience that gravitated to
    >Microsoft’s flagship Windows operating system.
    >Skeptics might view Microsoft’s new conversion to the cult of high-tech
    >beauty as just another case of following the latest trends for fashion’s
    >sake. Those same cynics might dismiss dancing photographs as mere eye
    >candy. In the world of Microsoft, software has traditionally turned
    >personal computers into an extension of an office environment, where they
    >are used for such utilitarian tasks as crunching numbers, tracking
    >billable hours, and sending memos. But a new awareness of digital artistry
    >is emerging, thanks to research by cognitive scientists that shows the
    >extent to which aesthetically rich experiences enhance our mental
    >faculties. Eye candy turns out to be nutritious after all.
    >The connection between cognitive science and software design dates back to
    >the birth of the graphic interface in the late 1970s. Researchers studying
    >the brain’s attention and memory systems noticed that our visual memory
    >was different from our textual memory. Our primate ancestors learned to
    >use their sense of sight to navigate complex spaces millions of years ago,
    >but humans have been reading words for only a few thousand years. So
    >software designers hit upon a way to tap into those innate visual skills:
    >Represent commands and data on-screen with visual icons, not strings of text.
    >Something comparable is afoot today with software aesthetics. This time
    >brain research is focusing on our emotional responses as well as our
    >attention and memory systems. Contemplating beautiful objects puts us in a
    >good mood—or what brain scientists describe as “a state of positive
    >affect.” These nice feelings change the way the brain processes
    >information. If you’re under stress or feeling beaten down by your
    >environment, your brain hunkers down and focuses on details and the body’s
    >most pressing needs: physical safety, hunger, and so on. But if you’re in
    >a relaxed, cheerful mood, your brain is likely to enter into a creative,
    >exploratory state, seeking out new connections and new experiences in your
    >“I started out as an engineer, and I thought that what was really
    >important was that something worked,” says longtime interface guru Don
    >Norman of the Nielsen Norman Group, whose latest book, Emotional Design,
    >describes his conversion to aesthetics. “Appearance—how could that matter?
    >And yet for some reason, I would still buy attractive things, even if they
    >didn’t work as well as the less attractive ones. This puzzled me. In the
    >last two years, I’ve finally come to understand that it’s a result of the
    >extremely tight coupling between emotion and cognition. Emotion is about
    >judging the world, and cognition is about understanding. They can’t be
    >This is not a matter of superficial sex appeal. Beautiful design has an
    >effect on our mental states—we think differently under the sway of beauty.
    >“The brain has been wired through evolution to be attracted by good
    >things,” Norman says. “When we see things that are pleasurable, when we’re
    >enjoying ourselves, it makes us more willing to explore, more imaginative.
    >It’s part of our wiring.”
    >A growing awareness of the inextricable connection between emotion and
    >cognition sparked Microsoft’s push toward aesthetically pleasing software.
    >For many years their products were the virtual equivalent of the barren
    >cubicle mazes of many modern offices: functional, but devoid of life, of
    >personality. Neglecting aesthetics might have made a kind of cruel sense
    >in an older, assembly-line context, in which work revolved around
    >mindless, repetitive labor. Factory owners didn’t want to inspire
    >creativity among their employees; they wanted to drill it out of them. But
    >the keyboard jockeys of the information age—precisely the people using
    >Microsoft Windows—do their best work when they’re rewarded, rather than
    >discouraged, for creativity and mental agility.
    >You can see the beginnings of the company’s new appreciation for the
    >mind’s appetite for beauty in its default background image for Windows XP:
    >a vista of rolling, grassy hills, with puffy white clouds hovering against
    >a blue sky overhead. Evolutionary psychologists have long suspected that
    >the human perceptual system has an innate fondness for landscapes with
    >wide, open views, thanks to the millions of years our forebears spent on
    >the savannas of Africa. Re-creating that ancestral homeland on our
    >computer monitors evokes a primitive sense of well-being and
    >contentedness—particularly compared with the screens of old, with their
    >garish corporate logos or monochrome emptiness. The monitor goes from
    >being an empty vessel to a room with a view.
    >But some computers running Windows XP, Microsoft’s most stylized effort to
    >date, force us to sit through a series of unappealing command-line screens
    >during the start-up routine, as if we’ve time-traveled back to the
    >text-only displays of the early 1980s. We wouldn’t accept this kind of
    >visual disruption when we sit down to watch television—The West Wing
    >doesn’t begin with a string of time codes and copyright notices—but
    >somehow we’re supposed to take it for granted on a computer screen.
    >Part of Microsoft’s goal with its next-generation operating system,
    >code-named Longhorn, is to eliminate such discontinuities. “We want to
    >make the OS much more seamless aesthetically,” says Tjeerd Hoek, head of
    >Microsoft’s user experience design group. “We want things to flow.” This
    >aspiration is apparent from the moment you log on to the system. An
    >opening screen offers you a set of user names, each with an attractive
    >icon beside it. Select one and the icon appears to drift across the
    >screen, depositing itself in the bottom left-hand corner as the rest of
    >the screen fills with applications and documents. Instead of those jarring
    >opening images you can get from Windows XP, the Longhorn opening sequence
    >has a charming fluidity; it’s as though the two initial screens are
    >melding into one another.
    >There are limits to the pursuit of aesthetic pleasure, of course. The
    >Longhorn demo includes screen images that pulse with glowing patterns,
    >like the shimmering, translucent sea creatures in James Cameron’s movie
    >The Abyss. They are quite lovely, but if you want to concentrate on
    >anything else—your work, for instance—the repetitive movement would no
    >doubt be distracting. This, too, is a side effect of biology: The neural
    >circuitry for peripheral vision is weak at detecting fine-grained
    >information but adept at detecting movement. You can be staring intently
    >at an e-mail message, but your peripheral vision wants to draw your pupils
    >toward that moving shape on the other side of the screen.
    >The most fascinating new Microsoft software tools are a marvelous fusion
    >of aesthetic charm and genuine utility. Microsoft research scientists
    >Curtis Wong and Steven Drucker showed me one prototype of the
    >photo-manipulation software that automatically arranges photos into
    >clusters based on the date and time they were taken. If you take 10
    >consecutive shots of a sunset, the software will recognize that all those
    >pictures were snapped within a matter of minutes and pull them into a
    >single stack. The organizational scheme is logical enough, but what makes
    >the software impressive is the visual appeal of all the images flying
    >across the screen to stack themselves up into an orderly pile. (The effect
    >is not unlike that created by an expert blackjack dealer plying his trade
    >at a table in Vegas.) File management is not normally something that
    >brings a smile to my face, but Wong and Drucker’s photo tool had me
    >leaning into the screen.
    >Prototype software from Microsoft includes a variety of new tools for
    >organizing photographs in a flash. With one click, you can automatically
    >divide your snapshot collection into indoor and outdoor images. You can
    >also have the software select all photos that contain human faces. That
    >pleasure is not to be underestimated. If you want people to use their
    >computers for creative ends, then you might as well start by giving them
    >something beautiful to look at. “We’ve got all this graphics-processing
    >power on modern PCs that we’re not using most of the time,” Wong says.
    >“It’s a waste not to do something fun with it!”
    >This message was posted by Walter Watts to the Virus 2004 board on Church
    >of Virus BBS.
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