Re: virus: Origins of 'debunking'

From: Eva-Lise Carlstrom (
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 12:03:57 MDT

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: The Rumsfeld wriggle."

    Here's the satirical painting:

    --- rhinoceros <> wrote:
    > This one came with the Skeptic newsleter:
    > <quote>
    > The artist took his revenge in a painting called
    > "Daughters of Revolution." It was done for the
    > Washington Bicentennial, a flood of filiopietism.
    > Much of it came from the Daughters of the American
    > Revolution who claimed to be the true keepers of the
    > Revolutionary memory. Grant Wood did not agree. He
    > called them "Tory Gals," and condemned them as "the
    > people who are trying to set up an aristocracy of
    > birth in the Republic."
    > His painting showed three Daughters of the American
    > Revolution, with smug expressions and unseeing eyes.
    > One holds an imported blue willow teacup in an
    > affected way. Behind them Grant Wood painted a
    > faded image of Leutze's "Washington Crossing the
    > Delaware" as a symbol of the true Revolutionary
    > spirit. The artist was not debunking George
    > Washington. We used Leutze's image to debunk the
    > Daughters of the American Revolution.
    > The painting was widely exhibited and much discussed
    > in the press. The San Francisco chapter of the
    > Daughters of the American Revolution reviled it as
    > "scandalous" and "destructive of American
    > traditions." Grant Wood claimed that the Baltimore
    > chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution
    > tried to have him deported as a "Red." But other
    > Daughters loved the satire, and the painting gave
    > many Americans a much needed laugh during the Great
    > Depression.
    > End of Excerpt
    > <end quote>

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