virus: Re:Jerusalem Post promotes genocide?

From: rhinoceros (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 17:12:20 MDT

  • Next message: Blunderov: "RE: virus: Depleted uranium"

    [Joe Dees]
    Not equivalent, because the civilian deaths in Gaza are an unintentional and regrettable side consequence of waging a war upon terrorists who use civilians as human shields behind which they hide as they shoot, whereas the bus, mall and restaurant bombings are intentional targetings of civilians. However, those who condemn the first while remaining conspicuously silent on the second are themselves engaging in the very moral equivalence, unacceptable and untrue as it is, of which they vainly attempt to accuse their anti-terror critics, who are actually making such sound and valid distinctions.

    See what I mean? Joe says these killings are a regretable side consequence of something which has to go on anyway. So, they shoot a round into the crowd to get some terrorists walking among these "human shields", which has these regretable consequences, but they have to do it anyway. Or, on other occasions they are dutifully buldozing someone's property and that woman sitting in front is too much trouble to bother moving her. Or... or...

    By the way, isn't this story about "human shields" getting old? I didn't see this allegation stop the Israeli army from shooting into the crowd. On the other hand, there are more and more reports about Israelis using Palestinian civilians as human shields when going after Palestinian gunmen.

    PS: I talk about suicide bombings in buses when they happen. Until then, the best I can do is talk against their causes.

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