virus: Homework for Davis

From: Hermitess (
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 13:05:25 MDT

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: Re:Leaded gas, racial differences, IQ, and crime"

    1) Very, very important. Go to the library. Study carefully. An appropriate list of books can be found here, Keep studying until you grasp the important related ideas, "A girl has a vagina. A boy has a penis." If you have a penis, your understanding of this phenomena will make your significant other (if you have one) very happy. It will also help you understand that there are differences between girls and boys. Which is why there is an "ess" after my pseudonomous identity. And none behind "Hermit." This should be a clue that more than one person is involved behind the keyboard here. Many of the Virians we have met with - together - so they know we are not merely evidence of MPD, can confirm that I am a Virian, that I am female, and that I am not stupid. Hermit, while also a Virian, and also not stupid, has too bushy a beard, too high up, to be  female. So dissing me, and asserting that I am Hermit is just plain wro
    ng - as well as being rude, sexist, stupid and - judging from your post 9/11 posts - apparently typical of you leaping to a wrong conclusion.

    2) I think that you can't have been in any academic environment. I learned that when a person identifies themselves by a name, it is polite to refer to them by it, and that it is always sufficient to use just their surname to identify them as long as it cannot be confused with anyone else in the same document or room. If you don't want me to refer to you by the name you use on the CoV, please tell me how I should address you. And no, "darling" would be inappropriate even if you would enjoy it.

    2) You know that Hermit prefered to keep his name off these forums - and for good reasons. Atheists suffer real prejudice in the US - and elsewhere. For example, many influential organizations working in the educational sector cannot afford to have "outed" atheists in sensitive positions. You know this, and know this is why Hermit prefers to remain pseudonymous. Hermit not only wrote about this on the list, he wrote to you privately about this, and you discussed it with him on IRC. So your choice to use Hermit's name was not just rude, it also constituted a deliberate and intentional personal attack. It also establishes a visible threat to any Virian who might prefer to remain anonymous or pseudonymous. A threat, like the names, viewable in our archives and googlable for all time, that you - or seeing a trend here, perhaps all neocons - will "out" members of the CoV who might prefer to preserve their privacy if they are sufficiently contradicted or irritated. This might be grounds for a sensible person with
    this eminently understandable preference to shun the CoV - and is certainly grounds to despise what I see as a typical goon action. If you can't win on reason, attack. Perhaps you will force your (more restrained) opponents to stop disagreeing with you. Also interesting that my comment on the "liberal media myth" was sufficiently irritating to get you into attack mode and to get Dees to quote a well known conservative Christian research group (Google for "Pew Charitable Trusts") as an authority - attempting to support assertions of bias. Remember Dees' advice. "When inconvenient facts irritate people, it is a sure sign that their perspective is deficient or skewed." Does deficient and skewed describe Dees? And you?

    3) Most Virians know that the continued repetition of a false statement, no matter how often you repeat it, no matter how badly you want it to be true, no matter how many others you find sharing it, no matter how nicely or nastily you phrase it, does not affect its truth value one bit. And you know that your statements about Hermit were false. And you know that all of the assertion and waffle in the world isn't sufficient to persuade anyone that does not already agree with you that what you say is true. And you know that all those here at the time know that Hermit repeatedly refuted Dees' (and your) regurgitation of Fox's and the rest of the neocon choir's war propaganda, on a point by point basis, over a period of months if not years. So what do you benefit by lying about it? What does it do to your reputation? Subsequent events, and even the current statements of well connected neocons (e.g. Perle), have repeatedly proved Hermit to have been absolutely correct about the disasters that American intervention
    s have proved to be - in Afghanistan, Israel and Iraq - and not least in America. The predictable failure of externally imposed or enforced integration of non-homogenous populations into artificial states. The devastating long term impact on International law and relationships. The draining financial cost to the US and global economies. The huge social and human cost to her targets and herself. The increased impetus towards guerilla operations including attacks on civilians. The illegality and ineffectiveness of military responses to unconventional forces and actions - and need for police work, infiltration, solid intelligence and just political resolutions to be effective in stopping them. The probable effect of identifying the US with the genocidal - and ungrateful - Israelis. Indeed Hermit practically single-handedly refuted almost every Bushite assertion pasted to the CoV. At least the first time the invalid assertions were pasted. So until you support your assertions, they are going to be seen as in the
     same class as those of Dees. Wrong. Whether you know this - and can acknowledge this - or not. The fact that the CoV once again is taking on the appearance of a neocon convention hall, despite the clear fact that Virians as a whole do not hold this position (see e.g.;action=voteResults;idvote=45 and;action=voteResults;idvote=58).

    3) Sorry about the nasty "viturperation" that so offended you, it offends me as well. I did have a reason to do it. When Dees complained about Irvken being rude to him, I thought it important to make the point about what kind of person was doing the complaining. One reason for my not being very active here (aside from the time and my needing to get Hermit's help to write these letters - and to understand many of the replies - English is my fourth language), is that anytime anyone disagrees with Dees, he seems to become angry, overbearing and rude. And the CoV seems to have adopted the stance that rudeness is acceptable. Or why is it alright for e.g. Jake, Dees, Sebby and Mermaid (not pointing fingers, just observing) to engage in it (but not, apparantly, for MetaHuman or Irvken)?

    4) In my opinion, based on what Joe Dees' said about me on the list, (which didn't get him banned - and I don't remember asking for his banning for that), Joe Dees is a rude, slimy, two-faced shit who has, despite the best efforts of a number of other Virians, almost singlehandedly reduced the worth of CoV to a point where I don't read it anymore unless somebody here suggests there is a gem worth reading drowned in the floods of neocon rubbish. And if saying this is what I think is a reason for being banned, then I think I should be banned too. When a caring, sensible Virian, like e.g. Irvken (or Hermit, or Jake before him) - points out that a person who supports the Bushites, Blairites, Neocons and Israelis in the face of the harm they have done to the world and humanity is not just an inhuman shit, but stupid to boot, they are making a statement in line with what I understood the Virian Virtues to be. As far as I can see, Irvken was only saying what should be self-evident to anyone with a functioning brain
    . Which may say something about your brain too. But it also says something about the way I see the Virian Virtues. Staying silent in the face of nastiness - whether personal or international, was not, last time I looked, one of the Virian Virtues. Or I never would have joined the CoV when Hermit invited me to. Are you suggesting I should leave? How many other Virians do you think should leave or be banned? All of those who are not neocons?

    5) Do you know who Quisling was and how he is remembered - and what happened to him after the war? Look it up if you don't. Hopefully mankind will eventually recover its senses - and Bush, Blair, Sharon and their cronies will eventually face trial - as Quisling did - for crimes against peace and humanity. While many neocons and their choirs in the trailer parks (and boardrooms) of America might be excused by reason of insanity, delusion or idiocy, those sufficiently intelligent to work out why the neocons are wrong if they only had taken the trouble have no such excuses and are well described in Irvken's luminous phrase. "Fucking quislings." Does the cap fit? You know what you can do with it.


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