From: rhinoceros (
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 19:08:31 MDT
Meanwhile, is still available!
I understand that I digress from the cybersquatting topic but I couldn't help it.
Paul Morphy was a young American genius who suddenly appeared in Europe at the age of 21 (1858) and crushed all the sacred cows of chess; he was a really tragic figure. His understanding of the game, especially the way he utilized "time" on the board, was half a century ahead of his time. He retired quickly, discouraged by the hostility and intrigue he faced in Europe, returned home and practiced law. At home, he faced something worse: Contempt for being a chess player.
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He totally broke down when a lady turned down his proposal stating that she would not marry a "mere chess player". By this time he became a psychotic and suffered from delusion syndrome. Morphy died in New Orleans in July, 1884 at the age of 47.
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Although the chess community does aknowledge Morphy's genius today, cybersquatters don't, probably because he won't show up to make a bid for the domain name. Or is it because brand names have an expiration date?
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