Re:virus: War & Peace / Rethinking Iraq

From: Jei (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 12:02:45 MDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Davis: "RE: virus: War & Peace / Rethinking Iraq"

    On Thu, 6 May 2004, Joe Dees wrote:

    > She claims that we are hated by the Iraqis, who don't want what we have
    > to offer, even though the BBC poll expressly refutes her, pointing out

    What have you to offer?

    > that most Iraqis want a constitutional democracy in Iraq, and wish the
    > US military to stay until the new government can provide security for
    > its land and peoples.

    Polls are made to order these days. Just choose carefully those you

    The iraqis may want a democracy, but America isn't going to deliver
    them one, though naive americans may believe and think so. That simply
    isn't their governments stated goal, ref "Project for New American

    As the american general said: having 130 000 troops stationed in Iraq is
    like having a gun pointed at the head of their government. - They aren't
    going to be in any way independent but as a "show", americans will still
    make all the decisions.

    > As to who will emerge behind Sadr, no one will who wants to represent
    > the Iraqi Shi'ites, who are repudiating him en masse (led by Iraqi
    > Ayatollah Sistani, the #1 Shi'ite cleric) and killing his followers.
    > The dead-ender jihadist mindset of which she speaks is held by a small
    > and dwindling minority, whose temporary existence should not be used as
    > an excuse for abandoning the aspirations for freedom, democracy,
    > representative government and human rights held by 20+ million Iraqis.

    Whether that is true, or an american fantasy with serious lack of reality,
    remains to be seen.

    // Jei

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